StylistWare is a mobile application which allow each individual stylist the ability to run their business from their phone or mobile device. Its never been easier to schedule clients, provide email text notifications confirmation, track services and take appointments all from your mobile devices. Manage your business, and maximize your earning potential and let StylistWare help schedule and organize your day. Looking for maximizing your earning potential, Stylistware provides ease of use, and affordability in a intuitive solution for managing your customers and will ultimately maximize profitability.
For ease of use you can also visit from your desktop (IE 10 or Chrome). The larger interface allows you to enter and update contacts, services and anyother settings with ease. Any changes made from the desktop will be available rightaway on the mobi application.
We hope you enjoy your 30 day FREE trial and will want to continue using our great application. We have several subscription plans available.
We also offer a referal program. Get a free month for every referal that signs up for a 3 month subscription or longer!